InDataDrivenInvestorbyRenu KhandelwalBayesian OptimizationWhat is Bayesian optimization? How does it work to tune hyperparameters for a deep neural network?Dec 21, 2019Dec 21, 2019
InTDS ArchivebyWei WangBayesian Optimization Concept Explained in Layman TermsBayesian Optimization for DummiesMar 18, 20205Mar 18, 20205
InTDS ArchivebyAndre YeThe Beauty of Bayesian Optimization, Explained in Simple TermsThe intuition behind an ingenious algorithmSep 12, 20201Sep 12, 20201
Eduardo C. Garrido MerchánBayesian optimization in complex scenarios: possible! (BO series II)If you have read my first post about Bayesian optimization, you will have discovered that it can be applied to obtain an approximation to…Aug 24, 2022Aug 24, 2022
InCodeXbyManning PublicationsIt’s Time to Learn about Bayesian OptimizationAn excerpt from Bayesian Optimization in Action by Quan NguyenJan 11, 2023Jan 11, 2023
DatasansBayesian Optimization 101Dalam era teknologi yang semakin berkembang pesat, kemampuan untuk membuat keputusan berdasarkan data menjadi krusial. Setiap hari…Nov 1, 2023Nov 1, 2023
Dave CurrieStatistical Stories - Bayesian OptimizationExplaining how Bayesian optimization works using a story, then an explanation of its parameters, assumptions, and some use cases.Nov 21, 2023Nov 21, 2023
Max NA Practical Dive into Bayesian Optimization with GPyOptStreamlining Your Search for Optimal SolutionsMar 6, 2024Mar 6, 2024
In𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨byEverton Gomede, PhDBayesian Optimization: Revolutionizing Efficient Search in Complex SpacesIntroductionFeb 8, 2024Feb 8, 2024
InBecoming Human: Artificial Intelligence MagazinebyEduardo C. Garrido MerchánWhen do I need to use Bayesian optimization? (BO series I)Bayesian optimization [1] is a class of methods that have been used in the recent years with state-of-the-art results to optimize the…Aug 22, 20221Aug 22, 20221
InTDS ArchivebyOscar KnaggAn intuitive guide to Gaussian processesA maths-free explanation of an underappreciated algorithmJan 15, 201911Jan 15, 201911
InTDS ArchivebyTheo WolfGaussian Processes from ScratchGain a deeper understanding of Gaussian processes by implementing them with only NumPyJan 6, 20244Jan 6, 20244